Sunday, 13 March 2016

Meinig's ten views of a landscape

"Landscape is at once an old and pleasant word in common speech and a technical term in special professions... A simple exercise will quickly reveal the problem. Take a small but varied company to any convenient viewing place overlooking some portion of city and countryside and have each, in turn, describe the "landscape" (that “stretch of country as seen from a single point,” as the dictionary defines it)... It will soon be apparent that even though we gather together and look in the same direction at the same instant, we will not – we cannot – see the same landscape."
Meinig, D.W. (1979) The Beholding Eye: Ten Versions of the Same Scene. in Meinig, D.W. (ed) The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays. (OUP)
Meinig's ten views of a landscape plus a few other possibilities:

  1. Landscape as Nature
  2. Landscape as Habitat
  3. Landscape as Artifact
  4. Landscape as System
  5. Landscape as Problem
  6. Landscape as Wealth
  7. Landscape as Ideology
  8. Landscape as History
  9. Landscape as Place
  10. Landscape as Aesthetic

Landscape as hiding place or refuge
Landscape as a space of the outcast, of sin and perversity,
Landscape as a space of metamorphosis or redemption
Landscape as Inspiration

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